It Really Pays


Who do you think you are?

As I cross the valley, and the rain,

we all become something again. 


Where do you belong?

As I cross the star field, 

and go across,

I feel everything is lost. 


Circumstantial. Evangelical.

Cross my path in the receptacle. 

Supersubstantial. Incomprehensible. 

I always felt I belong in this world. 

Superficial. Enigmatic 

I will look for what I lack. 


I always believed,

if I worked hard,

for my living. 

Teach all those,

who aren’t all willing. 

Have those believe,

in what I’m selling. 

It really pays to work hard. 


I always believed,

if I live a life worth living.

Picking off the pieces,

that don’t see the ceiling. 

Feel the void,

as it keeps on spilling. 

It really pays to be worth something. 

Remember me

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