The Blood Rush During the Storm



Well I see its December, but I dont want it.

storm clouds will raise and make a bitter winter.

Now this petty starlight, is getting ever brighter.

Blood rushes to my heart, even today. Even today. 

In a few more minutes, children are happy.

Its their greatest joy, but others fear. 

Some left are homeless, other wasted.

Blood rushes to their hearts, even today. Even today.

Now that the storm comes, gives us more nothing.

We shelter in our homes, others lay to waste. 

Now that the storm comes, we look for something, 

as we weep in our homes, others in the street.

Now that the storm comes, gives us more nothing.

We shelter in our homes, others lay to waste. 


Just get used, to the pain, your used to,

because everything else is just foreign.

I creep through shadows, of this, wasteland,

as blood rushes through my palms.

Have you ever wanted something bad happened to you? 

Just so you can feel again? Just so you can feel again?

Have you ever just wanted something bad happened to you? 

Just so you can feel again? Just so you can feel again?

The storms, have all, now faded.

Its time, to fall and go to sleep.

The winter cold, is harsh, but painless.

All my blood, rushes, to my feet. 

Have you ever wanted something bad happened to you? 

Just so you can feel again? Just so you can feel again?

Have you ever wanted something bad happened to you? 

Just so you can feel again? Just so you can feel again?


I’m lonely, but I’m not that lonely now.

I dont know where my life can lead me here.

These walls are closing and Im losing, 

my mind is bleeding out…..

I never thought that I could give you enough, 

but sometimes the worst can bring out the best of things.

I filled up your heart. This is what we wanted.

The storm was so cold I could see my breath.

for a moment there, I think that I did give up,

but now, blood rushes to my head.

You saved my life, you helped me feel my worth.

It feels right now, that I conquered, every storm,

with love, there would be no war.

I now walk through these streets, blood rushes to my brain.

I help those around who suffer, cry and pain,

as if the storm, is in our view. 

Remember me

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