Raise Hell


Got you a solution. Buy a watch, a passport, and a plane ticket. Notate the time and fly from where you are to the other side of the globe. Use this time walking out of the plane and onto the concrete international building and take in your surroundings. So many people here from many different places. All the different stories. Your story. You left your old life behind and entered a new person. Never look back. They will be looking for you. You aren’t there anymore and when they find out the property you stolen is no longer theirs. That’s when you make your move. The move to make yourself. But keep looking behind your shoulder. They are coming. Are you prepared? Raise Hell child. Make the world a better place.

Remember me

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An Update On the Site

Hello all. We are getting ready to head into a new generation of content hopefully starting in the new year. This content will be more

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The Crucible Part I

Edited by Stephanie Bachman    The day starts just like every other, you wake up but today was different. Looking at the clock it was

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The Doppelgänger (Revisited)

Edited by Stephanie Bachman “You’re fired,” Harold, a seemingly successful business executive, said at a near yell. “You’re lazy and I can’t stand being in

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