Leak 6/1/20

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Three posts this week. 


Anything Better: Visual Poetry 6/2/20 5:00 PM MST 


Hate This: Visual Poetry-6/4/20 5:00 PM MST 


Sweeter Than Wine: Visual Poetry-6/6/20 5:00 PM MST



I am going to shoot for a July Month of Madness. If you are unfamiliar, the Month of Madness is a annual event that has a new blog post everyday. With this pandemic going on I am confident I will create enough content for July. I’ll keep you posted in the future.

Remember me


The Crucible Part I

Edited by Stephanie Bachman    The day starts just like every other, you wake up but today was different. Looking at the clock it was

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An Update On the Site

Hello all. We are getting ready to head into a new generation of content hopefully starting in the new year. This content will be more

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