Saralynn Draper: Stage 2

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Start from the beginning:

Saralynn Draper: Stage 1

This transcript follows closely to the termination of the psychological evaluations of five individuals who worked at South Tech labs. All participants in the wake of Project Sacrosanct are under close evaluation by trained professionals. The purpose of releasing these transcripts is to bring to light of the Corruption Cycle to the public and to help build legislation to protect those who suffer from the Corruption Cycle. At no point will these individuals be released into the public until public awareness has been fulfilled. The transcript follows:

The subjects name is Saralynn Draper. She is female and in between twenty and thirty. She is at stage two of the Corruption cycle which is a minimum of four hours of exposure. In stage 2 neurons, synapses, and grey matter decay even more. Because if this decay most people in stage 2 have trouble not acting on impulses. At this point most corruption is mental, physical corruption begins at stage 2 with a loss of appetite.

Dr. Stanton: It’s nice seeing you again Saralynn. How are you doing?
Saralynn: Fine I guess. Is there anyway to contact my parents?
Dr. Stanton: You know you’re not allowed to talk to anyone outside the lab. The information we are getting here will help the state of the nation.
Saralynn: And what is the state of the nation? What’s happening out there?
Dr. Stanton: At this lab we deal with bio chemicals and other tech to help advance the world. One of the bio containment’s left the lab on a unknowing person. The country is fighting containment and our government is having a hard time from bringing the rising cases from hundreds of thousands and keeping healthy people away from the virus.
Saralynn: And what is the virus? It was never explained to me.
Dr. Stanton: You are wearing a pressurized suit. So am I. Within the crate that was unearthed a week past we were bringing out a fungus that was attached to the plate and tablets that you are studying. Something from a long time ago. This fungus grows like
A cancer and everything in this lab has come into contact with the fungus. That’s why we wear the suits.
Saralynn: Am I infected?
Dr. Stanton: No. except for ————-.
Saralynn: The lead? She has it?
Dr. Stanton: It is also her fault containment broke. There was a protocol needing to be followed. She did not know of the protocol until she broke containment.
Saralynn: And now the world is in disarray because she couldn’t follow the rules…
Dr. Stanton: Saralynn, she did not know what the rules were. That why they were broken. She had no knowledge of rules or protocol or anything when containment broke. She’s trying very hard to fix the administrations folly.
Saralynn: Don’t blame her for her transgressions?
Dr. Stanton: Are you referencing the tale of Malatok the Divine’s interaction with the first humans?
Saralynn: Yeah I guess. They didn’t know where they were. How were they to know they were on holy land?
Dr. Stanton: They didn’t. That’s the point of the story.
Saralynn: Yeah I guess. But if Malatok is all knowing, how would he not know of humans entering his holy land?
Dr. Stanton: I’m sure he knew. You got to really read into that story to really understand how Malatok works. Keep reading his work. I’m sure you’ll come to realize many new things.
Saralynn: Yeah. I have a confession.
Dr. Stanton: And what is that Saralynn?
Saralynn: I’ve had a lot of cash in my wallet. I bought something this morning before I came here. The Director said I had to come quick. I didn’t really pay attention to the options when I was buying something but I asked the machine to give me forty dollars cash for cash back, I then rushed here. I didn’t know this was happening today and we we’re told we could go home but how everything devolved. I guess I’m glad I brought cash.
Dr. Stanton: I thought you had a confession.
Saralynn: Oh right. So. There’s a vending machine just outside our lab but still in containment I’ve been buying a lot of food in secret. I have no desire to share my wealth to the others. I can’t feed the whole lab.
Dr. Stanton: I understand
Saralynn: Does that make me a bad person? Is that a part of the corruption I’m going through?
Dr. Stanton: It could be. Let’s do some word association and I can get back to you next session.
Saralynn: Okay. I’m ready.
Dr. Stanton: Evil.
Saralynn: Demagogues
Dr. Stanton: Family
Saralynn: Do you think my parents knew what was going to happen?
Dr. Stanton: What do you mean?
Saralynn: My parents got me into this, wasn’t sure if you knew. My parents got me the gig and I’m curious if they knew what was going to happen.
Dr. Stanton: Well…
Saralynn: Well what? Who should I blame for this happening to me? You or my parents?
Dr. Stanton: I’m just a clinical psychologist. I had no part in hiring.
Saralynn: But do you think my parents knew?
Dr. Stanton: I know the director has made it very clear to the participants to what was going to happen. I’m sorry to say but your parents probably knew.
Saralynn: Why would they do that? There’s no cure that we know of for the Corruption Cycle. They sent me to certain damnation.
Dr. Stanton: They most likely believed that you could overcome this. We don’t know of the cure, yet. A cure is possible.
Saralynn: Yeah I guess.
Dr. Stanton: Can we continue?
Saralynn: …yes.
Dr. Stanton: Vice.
Saralynn: I miss shopping.
Dr. Stanton: Hmm?
Saralynn: My vice is shopping. I’m realizing that.
Dr. Stanton: Is there anything else you are missing?
Saralynn: My parents. My dog. My friends. It’s hard not being able to talk to anyone other than your coworkers.
Dr. Stanton: Saralynn. This study hasn’t even lasted a normal work shift yet. Have you never worked a job before?
Saralynn: No. I guess not.
Dr. Stanton: You seem…down.
Saralynn: Yeah. I guess I am. This Corruption Cycle is taking a lot out of me. Can we stop this session?
Dr. Stanton: Yeah, sure. Security will escort you back to the lab.
Saralynn: Thank you.
*Saralynn leaves*
Dr. Stanton: Saralynn was originally very bubbly when we conducted our initial interview. Between these two sessions we are seeing drastic mood shifts. I’m not sure if it’s because of her lack of work ethic or the sudden closure to social media and society. We will need to keep a close eye on that.
Next transcript: 
Saralynn’s Story at the beginning:
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