Leak 12/7/20

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Three posts this week. 

Massacre: Visual Poetry-12/8/20 5:00 PM MST 

Daniel Adams: Stage 5: Transcript-12/10/20 5:00 PM MST 

Weal Unwind: Poetry-12/12/20 5:00 PM MST 

We are getting down to it for the release of my new Novelette, In the Midst of Gods and Monsters. It will come a little later than expected because its need some finishing touches before it gets published. Don’t expect it to cost too much. I will preview the beginning of the novelette here on the blog and if you are interested on reading more, there will be a link to buy it. Other than that, I hope you like it and have a good rest of your week!

Remember me


The Crucible Part III

Edited By Stephanie Bachman Start from the beginning: The Crucible Part I  Read previous Chapter:  The Crucible Part II I saw a man. Bound and gagged to a

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The Same Fate

When he came to he was already knee deep in blood. In the tightest of corners. No exits. But there was a window, there was

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