A New World

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Hello all!

Today I wanted to thank all of you for your continued support throughout the years and want to let you know the new content generation, Aberration, will be coming out with the release of the upcoming novelette “In the Midst of Gods and Monsters”. I’ve ran into some issue on the Ebook and it is not going as planned but it will be coming. 

I’ve also decided to redesign the website. It will be improved with new features that I am very exited to share with you once it gets finalized. The way its looking is we might wait for the release of the novel until the site is done but it can also be done the other way around. I’ll let you all know in the coming days what I decide. So unfortunately new items and features are not coming immediately but they are coming soon. 


Heres thanks to a amazing 10 years and here’s to another amazing 10. We all went through a lot and I will be here if you need me like you guys have been for me. 

Remember me


Raise Hell

Got you a solution. Buy a watch, a passport, and a plane ticket. Notate the time and fly from where you are to the other

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A Poets Self-Sacrifice

     After my first suicide attempt I realized something more than what I could have ever known without doing such a thing. I can

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They say at the beginning of time, chaos reigned supreme. Chaos encompassed the universe and there was nothing else. Through all this chaos seemed to

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