Grave of Flowers


Please tell me, 

there is something, 

that is better than this.


Please tell me that we are more than just a goodbye kiss.


And with the disconnected winds,

I feel disconnected with the rest.


I’m in my tip top shape,

even though I’m having a mid life crisis.


Blowing out smoke,

in the thick of an iris.


But I guess it’s better than the rest.


Late night talks. 

Late night talks. 


I feel disconnected like the rest.

I feel connected to the beating in my chest.

I feel like appealing to the best.


I feel reassured and even more less.

I feel sure I can’t stand the test.

I feel like I’m appealing to the best. 


They told me that this is something to see.

Even though I feel discounted to the disconnected winter winds,

but I feel better than the rest.


Hungry eyes, 

in the midst of your iris.

I feel like I’m swallowed whole,


but I guess I’m better off than the rest.

Remember me

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