Demon Days and Vision


Walk into the woods, 

and find yourself a home. 

Give yourself a minute,

some time to be alone. 

Rushing words can hypnotize,

the weariest of minds. 

I can hear it in the trees,

in their moans and sighs. 


I think of you and I wait for a kiss. 

But how could you love a man like this?

The feral waves crash into my mind. 

I wish that I could leave it all behind. 


This new vision. 

Is addictive. 

I take the pills, 

it goes away. 

But I don’t want,

to live this way so,

this new vision,

is addictive. 

Just close your eyes,

and see what I see. 


The doctors they tell me,

that I can’t live this way. 

I need to take the supplement,

to force the Demon Days. 

The Demon Days and the vision,

are the elite in my mind.

They point out the flaws I have,

it helps me feel alive. 


But I soon settle with a pill or two,

to please the one I love. 

Demon Days and vision,

don’t have to be with me everyday. 

But the rabbit goes down the hole,

when I’m feeling like clockwork. 

But the new vision that I have,

it is what I want in clockwork. 


This new vision. 

Is addictive. 

I take the pills, 

it goes away. 

But I don’t want,

to live this way so,

this new vision,

is addictive. 

Just close your eyes,

and see what I see. 

Remember me

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