Bentley Parrish: Stage 2

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Start from the beginning:

Saralynn Draper: Stage 1

This transcript follows closely to the termination of the psychological evaluations of five individuals who worked at South Tech labs. All participants in the wake of Project Sacrosanct are under close evaluation by trained professionals. The purpose of releasing these transcripts is to bring to light of the Corruption Cycle to the public and to help build legislation to protect those who suffer from the Corruption Cycle. At no point will these individuals be released into the public until public awareness has been fulfilled. The transcript follows:

The subjects name is Bentley Parish. He is male and is in his mid thirties. Notably, Bentley is overweight and has asthma along with diabetes. He is at stage 2. When exposure is at a minimum of 4 hours we will see Stage 2. In stage 2 neurons, synapses, and grey matter decay even more. Because if this decay most people in stage 2 have trouble not acting on impulses. At this point most corruption is mental, physical corruption begins at stage 2 with a loss of appetite.

Dr. Stanton: How are you Bentley?
Bentley: I guess I am fine
Dr. Stanton: Last time we talked you were really fixated on the subject of xenophobia. Now that you have had some time to think over the previous situation, how are you feeling?
Bentley: Just about the same. I am not xenophobic but just wonder about people’s faith of Malatok the Divine.
Dr. Stanton: Just to be clear. You still know that the correlation to the writings we are studying and the Corruption Cycle could be purely coincidental right?
Bentley: I understand but I have my reservations on my own opinions.
Dr. Stanton: Which are?
Bentley: I see the other subjects. They seem to have a difficulty thinking and seem more aggressive. I do not feel that way.
Dr. Stanton: You don’t?
Bentley: Like I said before I believe Malatok will prevent me from falling ill to the Corruption Cycle and I have proof!
Dr. Stanton: That is?
Bentley: My asthma seems to be clearing up. That and I’ve been needing to take less insulin after each time I eat.
Dr. Stanton: It’s been roughly four to five hours since your first contact. You’re telling me you have eaten frequently in the last few hours enough to impact your blood sugar?
Bentley: Yes!
Dr. Stanton: I know your weight has been an issue. Are you trying to prove a point to the others that you are feeling better than them?
Bentley: I am not saying that.
Dr. Stanton: Then tell me what is going on because outside looking in, it looks like you have a superiority complex.
Bentley: What? No. Not possible.
Dr. Stanton: You don’t feel superior to others because you are a holy man?
Bentley: I don’t feel superior. I am superior.
Dr. Stanton: I don’t think it was Malatoks intention at all to put your fellow men to be superior to others because of the fact they believed in him. It has never been Malatoks intention to have a following like that and if you truly follow Malatoks intentions then you would already know that.
Bentley: I see we are constantly butting heads do to our different interpretations of faith. I would love to have a productive conversation on how we interpret doctrine differently.
Dr. Stanton: Bentley. We are not here to discuss how we interpret doctrine. I am pointing out that you are isolating yourself from your colleagues because you think you are superior than them. This is an issue.
Bentley: Have my colleagues told you this. That they feel this way?
Dr. Stanton: There are many interactions I have with your colleagues and the other teams that are working here with you that are not recorded in this room. Your saying you’re not hostile. This very conversation. Every conversation we have had together has been hostile. I need to know if this is you or if this is the Corruption Cycle.
Bentley: It’s not the Corruption Cycle. Malatok will prevent any shortcomings and corruption.
Dr. Stanton: So it’s you naturally
Bentley: That isn’t me. Maybe everyone else is being hostile to me. Everyone including you have been in close contact with ——- and are being corrupted. I am the silver lining. I can save you if you let me.
Dr. Stanton: That is not your decision to make and if you practiced Malatoks doctrine at all, you would see that.
Bentley: To think you are above anyone else is your own viewpoint. Not mine.
*Dr. Stanton presses button on the table to her right. A security officer enters the room.
Security: What the issue doc?
Dr. Stanton: Bentley needs to be removed from the room.
Security: Is he dangerous?
Dr. Stanton: No. We are having a disagreement and we need to distant ourselves. Until stage 3.
Security: I understand. Common Bentley, lets get back to work.
Bentley: Dr. Stanton. I would like to have a productive conversation in the future. Till next time.
*Bentley and security leave the room.*
Dr. Stanton: Bentley is very hard headed, but so am I. Our personalities are clashing which is providing concerns between my care to the patient. If we have another bad interaction, I will recuse myself from his care specifically. Concerning Bentley it is hard to tell what is truth. As we get further down this cycle we will see easily if he is being affected. Next stage will include factors that he cannot control.
Next transcript:
Bentleys story at the beginning: 
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