

I like to play dead, 

while immersed in white.

I feel kind of violent.

Nails in my coffin, 

and I count them, 

one two

I hear the devil on the roof.

All I need now is who?

I am dying tonight.


Meet me down by the foyer.

Say goodbye,

nothing to loose.

I wish I could remember,

the cold days in December. 


All I really wanted, 

was a little piece of you. 

I’ve been waiting for the atrophy,

to set in from the blue.

I still have the photograph, 

of you, in my car.

You still ask “What was it all for?”


Cheep suit and dress shoes

I think they are choking me.

The same way I came in,

I’m staying clear of the end. 


I tend to hide when,

you say goodnight.

Try to be real silent.  

Nails in my coffin,

and I count them, 

eight nine. 

I hear some talking

by the door. 

I try to peek,

nothing more

I’ll loose my mind tonight. 


Dig me out my hole.

It’s hard for my breathing.

Nails in my coffin,

who were they trying to keep out?

I would do if I remembered,

the cold nights in December. 


All I really wanted, 

was a little piece of you. 

I’ve been waiting for the atrophy,

to set in from the blue.

I still have the photograph, 

of you, in my car.

You still ask “What was it all for?”


I can’t stand this space of mine. 

I can’t stand the peace I can’t find. 

I will try to find my home. 

With wildflowers to pave the road. 

I won’t wait for another life. 

I won’t wait for the sky. 

I won’t wait for me to die. 

I won’t find a place to hide. 

I won’t believe in try. 

A do will be in sight. 

I won’t sit and wait for light. 

I will grow old with my wife. 

I can’t do what we all do. 

I can’t live so patiently

As I watch your simplicity. 

Remember me

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