Inspired by True Events


Follow the history,

see what is happening.

What’s happening to me?

I’m not in those books.

I try to lose control,

so I can be with this.

Turn your heads to the sea.

I’m sinking this ship.

You can’t turn this station off,

I am everywhere.

Can’t get rid of me,

I consumed the TV.


I won’t go, give it up, 

your rose, wilts the whole,

world, and nations fall. 


Why am I so hard to touch

my skin is burning

I try hard to believe,

in me and this fake family.

Named after this disastrous,

events so small.

Something is happening to me,

feels kind of pendulous.

Get off the back of me

You cant be me right now


I won’t go, give it up, 

your rose, wilts the whole,

world, and nations fall.


I tear, pages, 

so give it up, your rose.

Blood, craved by nations,

makes the world whole.

Remember me

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