Just Like Clockwork


You look defeated, 

as you’re laying,

on the floor.

You look so tired,

and strung out.


You look so disappointed.

You seem to lack conviction. 

Wind up then turn loose.

You never know what can happen.


It’s like we have to.

It like we lie just to work it out.

No one will watch this.

Tongues in the back of my throat.

It wont be long,

but it will last,

hold me down,

then watch me gasp.

It’s like we have to,

it’s what we want to.


The red is, 

being woven out of,

these golden drapes.

You try to look, 

and seem so bold


It’s like we have to.

It like we lie just to work it out.

No one will watch this.

Tongues in the back of my throat.

It wont be long,

but it will last,

hold me down,

then watch me gasp.

Its like we have to,

it’s what we want to.

the lights die down.


My eyes shut, 

your bleeding, 

with sweat, 

it’s deceiving.

Clockwork that holds it thoughts, 

it travels through the dark.

Why complicate, 


when stars start to, 


We are the main entertainment,

you push me just to lose.


You’re disastrous, 

some little thief, 

not virtuous,   

but its beauty.


I should have learned better, 

when I first turned nineteen.


Some little race,

not a simple thing,


I have no space,

I need to breathe.


It’s some never ending spiral, 

as we go down, 

and down,

and down.


I am a monster I’ll kill in this the moment.

feel like a slut with no wardrobe or clothes

I am a monster just give me a moment.

just some low rate whore with nothing better to loose,


Its just so hard to realize.

When your skins some living tomb.

You feel so damn amazing,

as its tearing in your wounds

Its just so hard to realize.

When your skins some living tomb.

Just give me some time, 

within my room.  


I look defeated, 

as I’m laying,

on the floor.

I look so tired,

and strung out.

Remember me

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