Leak 6/29/30

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The Month of Madness starts this week. There will be no posts until July 1st.

The Sycophant: Flash Fiction-7/1/20 5:00 PM MST 

The Sacellum Redux: Art-7/2/20 5:00 PM MST 

Symbol on the Doorway: Poetry-7/3/20 5:00 PM MST 

Saralynn Draper: Stage 1: Transcript-7/4/20 5:00 PM MST 


You will see a new category called Transcripts. These are psychological assessments for a group of five individuals. These Transcripts will start to build up the world that my next short story that comes out the end of the year is in. Expect to see a Transcipt every week until the end of the year. I hope you enjoy the journey they will take you on and enjoy the Month of Madness!


The Crucible Part III

Edited By Stephanie Bachman Start from the beginning: The Crucible Part I  Read previous Chapter:  The Crucible Part II I saw a man. Bound and gagged to a

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Entry 1

Have you ever been afraid of the dark? I do believe I have. And not just when I was a child I believe everybody is

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