Tate Fitzsimmons: Stage 5

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This transcript follows closely to the termination of the psychological evaluations of five individuals who worked at South Tech labs. All participants in the wake of Project Sacrosanct are under close evaluation by trained professionals. The purpose of releasing these transcripts is to bring to light of the Corruption Cycle to the public and to help build legislation to protect those who suffer from the Corruption Cycle. At no point will these individuals be released into the public until public awareness has been fulfilled. The transcript follows:

The subjects name is Tate Fitzsimmons. He is male and is just about over twenty. Tate is our youngest volunteer to participate in this study. Though his exact stage is unknown it is assumed to be at stage 5. When Stage 5 happens—minimum of 16 hours—there is now no reasoning. Any communication with the subject turns hostile as the subject is animalistic in nature. The subjects attack everything in sight. The body is shrunken around the subjects bones and food no longer keeps the subject living. Nails and hair are frail and break easily. Subjects do not bleed as they previously did. The blood that was in them previously has turned black and coagulates. It is unknown how the body still functions but it is apparent that the body is stuck in a form of stasis or immortality. Any attempts to put the subjects out of their misery have proven to be futile. Any form of injection, electrocution, strangulation or any other forms to relieve the subjects of their life have proven fruitless.

Dr. Stanton: Tate Fitzsimmons wounds have relatively healed quickly. Tate has been medicated for some time now since his severity has been considerable since the beginning. Tate will be coming off of tranquilizers in just a few minutes. We are hoping to speak to him and reason if at all. Security is at the ready and Dr. Beckham is right here with me. Dr. Beckham.
Dr Beckham: I’m going to administer a medication that will make him more awake. Tate is strapped down to a gurney and two security personnel are in the room. Administering. And. Done.
*Tate awakes in the following minutes*
Dr. Stanton: Hello Tate. Did you sleep well?
*Tate sniffs the air. Bares his teeth.*
Dr. Stanton: Okay. Looks like he is still aggressive. Tate. Can you hear me?
*Tate growls*
Dr. Beckham: it seems that when they reach the no turning point that they become animalistic. Lose all sense of self identity and exhibit themselves as some feral creature.
Dr. Stanton: Do you think they would remain aggressive if they weren’t in captivity.
Dr. Beckham: Surely you’re not suggesting on releasing these poor individuals.
Dr. Stanton: I’m not. Just merely suggesting if we weren’t sedating them and restraining them that maybe they would act something more…natural.
Dr. Beckham: Do you think they retain memories? They remember what they once were and know we’ve done this to them?
Dr. Stanton: That would explain some aggression but they’ve seem to be aggressive and unable to reason since they have come into contact with ———. It’s evident that aggression is its rest state and that this madness is apart of some bigger piece to the puzzle. When we took Tate down we took some MRIs, X Rays and other imaging. Can you bring those out?
Dr. Beckham: Looks like.
*Tate screams and thrashes. Dr. Beckham administers a sedative.*
Dr. Beckham: Okay. Looks like there is ultimately more connectivity in the brain.
Dr. Stanton: Really?
Dr. Beckham: Yes. Look at this time lapse.
Dr. Stanton: Looks as if he’s awake but he’s asleep. Is it just possible he’s dreaming?
Dr. Beckham: Possible but this is even more activity than a dream.
Dr. Stanton: Do you think there is a rest state?
Dr. Beckham: What do you mean?
Dr. Stanton: Just what it looks like here. If this is them sleeping…then what would it be when they are awake?
Dr. Beckham: No telling until we can get one to calm down.
Dr. Stanton: The lead researcher on the other team has had an incident. She’s had very little interaction with ———- but she is starting to lose some grip on reality. I can see if I can test her. Hopefully get her to stay still and see where she is at.
Dr. Beckham: Good idea. See if you can schedule a appointment. Gemma needs to come in right now. We need to get Tate into another room.
Next Transcript:
Tate’s story is complete.
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A Poets Requiem

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