The Same Fate

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When he came to he was already knee deep in blood. In the tightest of corners. No exits. But there was a window, there was a man, waiting patiently. Watching you see your reflection as you die if this was his fate and it was. Blood filled within seconds, eventually choking him to death. The mysterious man outside the room examined the man’s sad death to only realize that while looking into the tomb, there he saw a reflection of himself, and a same fate that could only be minutes away.

Remember me


A Poets Psychopathy

     I’ve been having a new set of dreams recently. They still contain this woman in black and blue that I see so often

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A Poets Councilor

     Today I was talking with a friend about therapy, upon watching a television show about serial killers she made the comment “So if

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A Poets Philosophy

It’s based on two things. First is of human origin. Us being cannot be good in anyone’s eyes. There is a grudge against humanity, so

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