Tiny Spaces

The Poem Tiny Spaces came out on 4/10/12 But did you know I made it into a song? Here are the lyrics and with little changes it is one of my most favorite songs to play. I hope you like it!


I live my life in a swimming pool,

whenever I awaken.


I try to be a respectful man.

These eyes are getting sharper. 


I find myself place to place,

spend the nights in a gutter.


What will I do for you?

If I’m always on the move?

But if I wait for you.

How long will I wait for you?    


You can’t tell me what is life,

I don’t know this Jesus Christ.

It will come to me,

in tiny spaces.


You can’t tell me what is wrong,

you weren’t there when I was brought.

It will come to me,

in tiny spaces.


But I can wait, for you.

If I cant what could I do?

But if I wait for you.

How long will I wait for you. 


I walked myself to a toxic dive,

my peers are getting worried.


I saw someone in the corner and cry

poor thing looked so sorry.


I asked the garçon who’s that friend?

“His last name is Draper.”


What will I do for you?

If I’m always on the move?

But if I wait for you.

How long will I wait for you?    


Said it seems like everything is wrong,

but I don’t know what’s going on. 

It will come to me,

in tiny spaces.


I lived my life in someone’s hands,

there’s some things I don’t understand. 

It will come to me,

in tiny spaces.


You can’t tell me what is life,

I don’t know this Jesus Christ.

It will come to me,

in tiny spaces.


You can’t tell me what is wrong,

you weren’t there when I was brought.

It will come to me,

in tiny spaces.


There’s nothing I won’t do,

If it gets me closer to our rendezvous.

I just need something to get me through.

I will live my life now, just to be with you. 


Remember me

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