Tracks Are Followed


Tracks are followed,

into the abyss. 

Seen you here ,

from time to time,

your something,

I can’t miss.

I think some people,

are so shallow,

even when you,

turn around. 

I told you to leave this place,

to leave this hallowed ground. 


You’re something that, 

I can’t let go.

You’re something that,

I can’t find. 

Although I do know,

you pace the grounds,

you cannot be mine. 


Tracks are followed,

into the abyss. 

Seen you here ,

from time to time,

your something,

I can’t miss.

I told you I was sorry,

but it’s something,

you can’t stand. 

You banished yourself,

from this place,

and forsook the land. 


You’re something that,

I can’t quite understand.

You’re something I,

can’t let go. 

You’re something that,

needs to change this place,

even if you don’t show. 

You’re something that,

looks so pretty,

even with all your scars. 

Your something that,

I can’t forget,

in any way but now.

Remember me

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