Wedding Vows For Her


By Bree Coleman

You’ll never know how much I truly love you.

I am who I am today because of you.

You are every reason, 

every hope, 

and every dream I’ve ever had.

No matter what happens in the future,

every day we are together, 

is the greatest day of my life.

I will always be yours,

and you,

will always be mine.

I will hold you when you cannot stand.

I will wipe the tears from your eyes when you cry,

and I will fight for you when you give up,

and I will love you forever and always.

I take you to be my best friend,

my faithful partner,

and my one true love.

I promise to encourage you, 

and inspire you,

and to love you truly, 

through the good times and bad.

I will forever be there to laugh with you,

and lift you up when you are down,

and to love you,


through all our adventures,

in life together

Remember me

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