What Is It Supposed To Mean?


It was a million,

miles away from here. 

A soft sound,

but enough to make its reach.

To spark to the fire,

no one was around here.

A dull sound

what is it supposed to mean?


I try to go about my life

Looking for answers to questions,

that fill my mind. 

Sometimes it annoys me so,

but it remains a mystery. 

Why do I try to live my life?


I had the best mind screaming to shut my proscenia.

Headed down to Georgia to find what was left of you.

A winter cold soul and a jet black smile.


I had the best mind screaming to shut my proscenia.

Headed out of town to find you in a sanatorium  

A winter cold soul and a jet black smile.

You said you’d make it worth the while.


There’s a constant yelling,

just enough to pick out my ears. 

It’s so far,

but close enough to reach.

A paranoia,

to fill up the rest of me.

I fell down,

I was so close to see.


I’ve been reaching for all that is worth.

In a hotel screaming to form a curse.

Why is it that it’s lazy,

enough to drive me crazy?

I guess I will never know.

Remember me

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