Not Now


I can smell it now,

like falling rain. 

Take your time,

we’ll meet again. 

It gets all screwy,

and someone hurts. 

I think it’s time,

to hit reverse. 


Take your time,

we’ll meet again. 

Fallen lovers and,

missed friends. 

I see you now,

expect the worst. 

I said not now

if you said,

I love you first. 


We wait for time,

time to reverse.

Before we chase 

the fucking hearse. 

I swear I can hear,

the crying pass me by. 


I say not now,

let’s meet again. 

But what I need,

is a friend. 

Who can tell me,

that’s it not God. 


I wait to turn,

back the clocks. 

But memories are,

all I got. 

Tell me how it’s God,

that isn’t messing,

with the pace?


I say not now,

but I’m sorry now. 

The noise of,

the traffic just,

got so loud. 

I just wish I could hit reverse. 

A disguised blessing,

or walking curse. 


You speak to me,

is this the end?

I say not now, 

I’m here for you friend. 

Is it the fear I hate the most?

I’ll remember this time,

as I meet your ghost.

Remember me

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