All Posts 2011


Entry 1

Have you ever been afraid of the dark? I do believe I have. And not just when I was a child I believe everybody is

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Living the Life?

It started here, another wasteful night.  You started crying, I’ll just say goodbye.  Look out the window, tell me what do you see?  I see

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I left my baby back in Oregon, because she lost all sanity.  I left my lady,  locked into a heart of stone but, can we

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Liliana, Adelaide. Left the world behind her. They forgot her anyway. Send out a SOS, I was wrong. Majestic blood, and a heart so divine.

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Down in the wake.She cries.Down by the beach house,waving goodbye.You wept, of what you missed.Dream what you want.Dream what you wish. I can see everything,you have

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A Poets Stress

So….the disease has finally resurfaced itself and I have embraced it with a warm loving home.      I can only stress about self control

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Three Cheers

Three cheers for the mourning,  we’re already fal’n apart.  You pick up the pieces,  take me back to the start.  So I tangled and I

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Red rose, the corner of my eye. Light is seeing what you want to. You had, greatest what you asked for, I’m running out the

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A Poets Name

     As I sit here trying to figure out to write as a “whats on my mind” other than a story I can only

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Sleep The night away,  I will stay awake, for you. I’ll sing my lullaby,  to keep your fears from you. when you start to get

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Living Nightmare

She’s just a living nightmare, marinating all my dreams,  with her presence. Reminding me of everything, that I try to forget. She just lies in

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Up in the sky lays a tower of no end. There lies the beast, one who made sin. He entices the souls “come in and

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Stand (For Me)

Where are you now? When or how? I’ve been searching, you feel so near. It’s like your around the corner. Im waiting to see your

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A Poets Councilor

     Today I was talking with a friend about therapy, upon watching a television show about serial killers she made the comment “So if

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Won’t Be There

The photographs of you in my mind,  I know now they will die. Been losing your image like you disappeared, Soon be gone, soon be

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She thinks im pretty,  but with all the cuts in my arms  I seem to disagree. She makes me happy, in the first degree  but

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Shadows of my scars always lay deep under my skin,as the darkness forgotten, the pain within. I lost a will, I cannot breathe. Blood will soon

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Slow Song

There is a light,  there is a fire.  Lost full of doubt,  please stay for a while. There is a light,  there is a fire. 

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Straight Forward

Wake up in the morning at the break of dawn, try to feel around me and I was wrong.  The Beauty is in my dreams.

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Theres a noose around my neck. Words screaming unheard. Chasing down those angels, that never come home. Can you hear me now? No louder than

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You, the Tomb

Every time you lock my heart in your tomb, I always hope you will return to soon. If theres a hole where your heart should

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Ballad of the Lost

Torn thoughts deep within my head, so many people they don’t understand.  soon you will. What makes me tick?  Why do I press on? I

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Atom Bombs

This is the night,  when I can’t sleep alone. this is the night,  I need you. I need you to,  go along with this, to

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When the summer regression, makes a weekend obsession,  that we are all waiting for.  You see, I’m waiting for the sunset.  Never die, we know

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A Poets Dream

I’ve always thought that you could never feel happiness until you know what sadness feels like.      Today I woke up in thought of

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Clear Skies, Mountainside

Thinking about,  all my complications and well,  it feels like I was born this morning. Looking for a desperate consequence. Oh now,  what can I do

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The Bitter End

This, thing,  has been apart of me for so long.  It tore me up, and left my remains,  and that is me now.  But there

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Just Pretending

I am a saviour to a new world,all I want is a god, in my face. I will complete my people, with a new hope,

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Search Sympathy

I need to, make a difference. From the waves in the grass,  to the sway in the trees. I try, to remain unnoticed. To remain

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The Last Choice

There I lay,  from all the days that passed. Above a stairwell,  was my last task.  Here I am bleeding,  with my last thought to

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The Reflection

Driving away, im the Casanova, of letting go. Driving away, look in the rearview, need to get away. I had to drive away, please feel

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Here we are, head is in the rain, here we are, here we are. You fill your heart,  with words that can fill the ocean,

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Black and Grey

Echoing elegance underneath her snake skin. Slow down, slow down, I feel defeated, with all I do, so now wave goodbye. Sitting on that park

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A Poets Mind

I really dont know how to speak my mind right now so I guess I’ll tell you random facts about myself;  I have a big

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