Bentley Parrish: Stage 1

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This transcript follows closely to the termination of the psychological evaluations of five individuals who worked at South Tech labs. All participants in the wake of Project Sacrosanct are under close evaluation by trained professionals. The purpose of releasing these transcripts is to bring to light of the Corruption Cycle to the public and to help build legislation to protect those who suffer from the Corruption Cycle. At no point will these individuals be released into the public until public awareness has been fulfilled. The transcript follows:

The subjects name is Bentley Parish is male and is in his mid thirties. Notably, Bentley is overweight and has asthma along with diabetes. He is at stage one of the Corruption cycle. Symptoms include, on a case by case scenario, if one is exposed to Terium for, at a minimum, of an hour they will begin to display disorganized thinking. It will become evident that the inflicted are starting to become affected by the Terium. Along with disorganized thinking, we can see a decay in the neurons, synapses, and grey matter within scans of the brain and body.

Dr. Stanton: Hello Bentley. Make yourself comfortable.

Bentley: Thank you for having me doctor.

Dr. Stanton: I don’t think either of us have a choice.

Bentley: Yeah. You would be correct.

Dr. Stanton: Tell me about yourself Bentley. What makes you, you?

Bentley: Umm. Well I most definitely don’t fit in with the others. They are doctors and social workers but I am just a holy man.

Dr. Stanton: Holy…man?

Bentley: Yes. Mind you I do have an education like the others but it’s over theology. Nothing too notable and not from a prestigious university either.

Dr. Stanton: Bentley, this study is on the Corruption Cycle. If you consider yourself a holy man then why take the risk? You’re going directly into the fire.

Bentley: I feel our God would save us from any type of harm. He would simply not allow me to surrender to the Corruption Cycle. God would give me strength.

Dr. Stanton: I guess if that’s what you believe I guess we will see what happens.

Bentley: Exactly.

Dr. Stanton: Ok well I guess we should get started. I’m going to say a word. I want you to reply with the first word that comes into your head sound good?

Bentley: Before we start I have a question.

Dr. Stanton: Mmhm? Yes?

Bentley: I’m noticing a lot of different people with different faiths and heritage and I was curious. Why would we let other people be apart of this study? This study is directly related to Malatok the Divine is it not? Then why would we let those who do not even believe in Malatok or even recognize him as the creator participate in the study?

Dr. Stanton: The purpose of the study is to analyze the Corruption Cycle. The fact that the materials that are producing the Corruption Cycle and it dealing with Malatok could be purely coincidental. The material the writing is on is what is known to cause the Corruption Cycle, not the writing. We don’t even know what the text says other than it deals with Malatok.

Bentley: I guess. They will get corrupted. You know that right? Since most of these people don’t believe.

Dr. Stanton: I think you will be surprised.

Bentley: Do you believe in Malatok?

Dr. Stanton: It doesn’t matter what I believe. I’m just studying the Corruption Cycle.

Bentley: It’s more more of a personal curiosity than a professional one.

Dr. Stanton: I really can’t say. We’re here for you not me.

Bentley: I hope you’ll open up one day. Maybe.

Dr. Stanton: We really need to start. Divine.

Bentley: Malatok.

Dr. Stanton: Generosity.

Bentley: To those in need.

Dr. Stanton: Xenophobia.

Bentley: Are you asking me if I’m xenophobic?

Dr. Stanton: Just respond with a word.

Bentley: To make things clear. I am not xenophobic just cautious. If you don’t worship God then what kind of morales would you have?

Dr. Stanton: Bentley. I need you to focus. Xenophobic.

Bentley: …I’m not xenophobic.

Dr. Stanton: nobody is saying you’re xenophobic we’re just playing a word association game.

Bentley: I don’t think I’m going to get over this. I need some time to think.

Dr. Stanton: Okay. We’ll go ahead and step out of the room. The guards will escort you back to the lab.

Bentley: Thank you

*Bentley leaves the room*

Dr. Stanton: Bentley didn’t have any sort of reaction when I interviewed him. I’m not sure if it is coming up now since he is officially apart of the project or his common sense is dwindling do to the Corruption Cycle. Will need to keep a close eye on everyone. Hopefully there will be something we can do. Stage one interviews are done. We will wait a few hours before we conduct the next set of tests. This will start to get interesting relatively soon. Thus is Doctor Stanton signing off.

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