When We Thought We Were Done

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When we thought we were done,
my father was in the cheap seats.
Looking down at me,
and all my complications.
When we thought we were done,
it got all activated.
The world is changing,
people don’t like change.
When we thought we were done,
no more status quo.
When we thought we were done,
the riots start.
Self containing.
When we thought we were done.
The politicians fought each other,
as if the sky was falling.
When we thought we were done,
people are still dying,
I just wish to see my mother.
When we thought we were done,
people are still waiting.
When we thought we were done,
anarchy fills the streets.
When we thought we were done,
the government paid the rich.
When we thought we were done,
freedom of speech became irrelevant.
When we thought we were done,
the work is never done.
When we thought we were done.
What has this world become?

Remember me

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