January 12th, 2013


I let you light the fire. 

I had you light the flames around us. 

I remember when your arms got caught,

within the blaze. 

Remember when you redeemed us. 

I try to forget all the best that you took from me.

I try to pass all the ruins you left me



I won’t go. 



Like when you bleed from your eyes. 

You try to say that I’ll forget.

You stop and wait for the signs.

Make me full of cold regret. 

Please I don’t want to fight.

But you’re full of what’s left said.


The boards are rattling. 

The floor is starting to collapse from under. 

I remember when you said that I make you scared.

I remember when your love was treason.

I cannot stand the pieces that you left for me. 

I cannot stand all the pain you left me. 






Like when you bleed from your eyes. 

You try to say that I’ll forget.

You stop and wait for the signs.

Make me full of cold regret. 

Please I don’t want to fight.

But you’re full of what’s left said.

Remember me

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