This Fire


I think its time to go,

I think its time to loose control.

I feel the headache amok.

I just can’t stand to love.


I think its time to move,

with all these thoughts,

family don’t approve.

I think its time to leave.

Find something new,

To find reprieve.


There is a fire,

sparking the night,

it gets me higher.

There is a fire,

I can’t stop it,

or be quieter.

Its time to rage.

It is time to leave the stage,

There is a fire. 

Sparking the night,

it gets me higher.


Is it time to move?

There is so much,

I have to loose.

Is this the time?

I think its passed,

heading toward the loom.


There is a fire,

sparking the night,

it gets me higher.

There is a fire,

I can’t stop it,

or be quieter.

Its time to rage.

It is time to leave the stage,

There is a fire. 

Sparking the night,

it gets me higher.

Remember me

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