Wake Up The Dream Is Over


The little world in my palm,

the radio is on.

And if I believe what they say,

the whole damn world will be like me. 


My life is long enough just so. 

The little ducklings in a row. 

Life’s such an ignorant bliss. 

Flip the table, 

cock the pistol,

and feel my fist. 


The worlds mine. 


I’ll teach the reapers what they sow. 


The world is mine. 


The fishermen fisheries will learn from me. 


The world is mine. 


I’ll turn the slime into water and the water into wine. 


The people don’t understand. 

Why there’s a brand on my hand. 

In this dystopia. 

Everyone owns you. 


I get the facts from what I read. 

They tell me on the tv screens. 

I’m just another cog in the machine. 

But I know the world wishes they were me. 


I got a dirty little secret. 

And if I trust that you will keep it.

They have meeting every Tuesday at 5.

It’s time to blow something up 

and start a revolution by 9. 


The world is mine


They will have to be put together by glue. 


The world is mine. 


The ignition has been fired and it’s aiming at you. 


The world is mine. 


They don’t know what’s coming. 


The world is mine. 


The revolution is stunning. 


Has everyone found out?

The people are becoming now. 

Wake up, the dream is over. 


Has the leaders all run away?

I think we are here to stay. 

Wake up the dream is over. 


But what really was our plan?

We stuck it to the man. 

Wake up the dream is over. 


The man you will put at the head.

He is laughing over the dead. 

Wake up the dream is over. 


The past is found if you read it. 

I just done believe it. 

Wake up the dream is over. 


We became the new tyrant. 

Now the people rise up to fight it. 

Wake up the dream is over. 


The world is mine. 

Wake up the dream is over. 


The world will die. 

Wake up the dream is over. 

Remember me

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