Luck and Faith


There is a time for luck and faith.

There is a time for greed and wealth. 

There is a time for the local economy. 

There is a time for truth and space. 


But sometimes it isn’t enough,

it isn’t even right. Not tonight. 

But sometimes it isn’t enough,

it isn’t even right. Not tonight. 


Day ends. 

The curtains draw. 

The lights are lit. 

Go home. 


There is a day for supplicant lives. 

There is a day for government bodies  

There is a day for luck and faith. 

There is a day but it is not this day. 


We fight till the end, 

even when the battles lost. 

Forget the cost. 

We fight till the end, 

even when the battles lost. 

Forget the cost. 


The drive home.

The crowds upset.

The dawn is coming. 

Go home. 


There is a way for newborn lives. 

There is a way for airborne lies. 

There is a way to get fat off hope. 

There is a way that life’s a joke. 


Failure comes in,

shapes and sizes. 

Failure comes in,

different horizons. 

Failure comes in,

replicant youth. 

Failure comes in,

a weaklings tool. 


A new day has come. 

We wont forget. 

It isn’t enough. 

Forget the cost. 

Remember me

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