By Love, It Won’t Go Away.


I feel that a train wreck is chasing me,

but wont look that way.

Theres a mistress in the mirror,

but I cant get her to stay.

We live on sidewalks and vanity,

we make homes to those we hate.

Your emotions create a fire,

let it burn through all the way.

Eventually you’ll see the day, to the end.


You’re the only thing that’s living,

in a world that is far dead.

Crumble up the papers,

need to get it out of your head.

For all I did, did this for you,

give you a chance to start again.

Tear it just like paper,

wrinkled, torn and frayed.

Eventually you’ll see the day, to the end.


Enters quickly as a waterfall,

he doesn’t come to talk or stay.

Looking through the window,

nothing comes his way.

All the books are burning naturally,

but the preaches left to pray.

It always seems so menacing,

just keep the thing called fate.

Eventually you’ll see the day, to the end.


There’s a fear now, 

haunts you everyday.

Placed by me but,

it wont go away.

Though the ink is,

fading more each day.

By love, it won’t go away.


Remember me

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