Daniel Adams: Stage 1

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Start from the beginning:

Saralynn Draper: Stage 1


This transcript follows closely to the termination of the psychological evaluations of five individuals who worked at South Tech labs. All participants in the wake of Project Sacrosanct are under close evaluation by trained professionals. The purpose of releasing these transcripts is to bring to light of the Corruption Cycle to the public and to help build legislation to protect those who suffer from the Corruption Cycle. At no point will these individuals be released into the public until public awareness has been fulfilled. The transcript follows:

The subjects name is Daniel Adams. He is male and is about thirty. Daniel is not native to our country but knows our language fluently. He is at stage one of the Corruption cycle. Symptoms include, on a case by case scenario, if one is exposed to Terium for, at a minimum, of an hour they will begin to display disorganized thinking. It will become evident that the inflicted are starting to become affected by the Terium. Along with disorganized thinking, we can see a decay in the neurons, synapses, and grey matter within scans of the brain and body.

Dr. Stanton: Hello Daniel. Please, sit.

*Daniel sits*

Dr. Stanton: How are you today? Are you getting to know the place?

Daniel: Yes.

Dr. Stanton: You’re not saying much. Is there something wrong?

Daniel: I don’t feel too well.

Dr. Stanton: The corruption cycle does that to you. What doesn’t feel well?

Daniel: My mind. It’s going a million directions at once. I feel nauseous. I get these thoughts. They aren’t my thoughts, they’re someone else’s.

Dr. Stanton: What do you mean? Are you saying your hearing other people’s thoughts?

Daniel: Kinda.

*Takes of glasses and rubs face*

Daniel: They are my thoughts but they just don’t make sense.

Dr. Stanton: Would you have any examples?

Daniel: Claire needs to buy fruit at the supermarket. Did I do that woodworking project? They seem out of context for you. Thing is they are the exact same for me. I don’t know a Claire, I don’t work with wood.

Dr. Stanton: I see. Is there anything to be concerned with?

Daniel: My thoughts aren’t normally violent if that’s what your asking. But sometimes, just sometimes, I want to hurt people or myself. I’ve struggled with self injury in the past. In my teenage years. I thought I beat it but now. It seems to be something that I think about frequently.

Dr. Stanton: You haven’t done anything like that yet have you?

Daniel: No. I don’t plan on it. I really need to release my frustrations in a art form but this is a work setting. I can’t really do that.

Dr. Stanton: We might be able to work something out. I’ll talk to the Director of the program and I’ll see what we can and cannot do.

Daniel: that would be great.

Dr. Stanton: It has come to my attention that the language the plate is something never studied before. How are you grasping that?

Daniel: Pretty well I guess. Azuma is a pretty smart guy and I can learn from him in the future. I guess we are just lucky enough that someone could figure out the language. I don’t know what we would have done if it wasn’t for that guy.

Dr. Stanton: The research team here has a lot of unique people with various talents and strengths. When we get everything translated I’m sure some commendations will go around.

Daniel: I’m not really in it for the glory. I just want to understand who wrote this plate better. The person seemed very intelligent and to even know what the ——–does will advance our understanding of Malatok the Divine. I’m not religious at all but the idea of Malatok is pretty interesting.

Dr. Stanton: Were you able to translate the plate to any level?

Daniel: Something about —————————-. That seems pretty impossible. I think I read it wrong but we will see in a little bit.

Dr. Stanton: typically we would go over some word association or an ink blot to gauge your afflictions in the Corruption Cycle. I think we already have a pretty good idea. Thank you for opening up Daniel.

Daniel: Let me know if you need anything else.

*Daniel Adams leaves room*

Dr. Stanton: It appears Daniel is being affected more than the previous subjects. He is exhibiting stage two symptoms. I don’t think race has anything to do with the affect but the idea won’t be skipped. Currently I’m thinking the Corruption Cycle advances quicker over understanding of the plate. Will see if I am correct in coming hours.


Next transcript 

Tate Fitzsimmons: Stage 1


Follow Daniel’s story:

Daniel Adams: Stage 2


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