Does This Mean I’m Moving Forward?

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You passed the test,
but you don’t remember.
Seasons changing,
it’s always December.
Clean the stitch,
until you feel better.
Go through the gate,
until you you figure,
what it’s all about.
I wish I could be more happy.
But the emotions stay,
like I lost my mind.
I can see tomorrow,
the future is great,
but I’m stuck,
in where I’m from.
The season changes,
too late to be forgiven.
What’s the meaning,
this life I am living?
Stitches are gone,
but the cut is remaining
What the hell?
What are you going for?
I feel the air,
and I enjoy the weather.
Won’t you summer,
stay here forever?
I check my wound,
It is still stinging,
the nerve endings are still healing.
Does this mean,
I’m moving forward?
The echos of the path,
are full of broken mirrors.
I can see the signal.
But the trail keeps going,
on and on the horizon.
when will it end?
I wish I could be more happy.
But the emotions stay,
like I lost my mind.
I can see tomorrow,
the future is great,
but I’m stuck,
in where I’m from.

Remember me

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  1. Lissa


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