Four Years Coming


Pull the chord,

from the phone,

we’re no longer alone. 

It’s been four years coming,

since we have been waiting. 


Tears of joy,

stream down her face,

and a lightness of breath,

overcomes me. 


We spent so many years,

to make this house a home. 

It seems it has pulled off, 

for better and for worse. 


We have been,

waiting sometime,

but we will have to wait,

a little longer.


I’m glad to see its glowing face,

this is what she wanted. 

It’s been a long time coming,

and the world was getting darker. 


It’s joy in our halls,

It’s unity defined. 

We have been,

waiting for some time. 

Now I can see the finishing line. 


There has been some woes,

but now the roads, 

are pathed with our faith,

that someday,

we would get our way. 


The day is here. 

There’s nothing to fear. 

It’s been four years coming,

since we have been waiting. 

Remember me

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