June 2012


May Be, Maybe

There was a time, long ago, when I was young, I can’t believe I remember it. I wanted a brother, but my mother, couldn’t stand,

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The Life Decision

There is a tale of broken hearts, in every single being. A feeling that is so useless, and it leaves everything that way. What all

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Like The Rest Of Us

The waves crash,  I am just a mortal son. You spring from your bunker, is the war won? I can’t stand the way, you’re looking

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A Pariah

My days are scratching thin, reminds me of moments when,  I always dug a hole deep in, my burning house,  I once called my home.

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The Flames Die

I can’t believe that I’m alone. I’ve spent six weeks trying to get you home. I put my head within a plastic sack, at least

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Compiled the letters, then picked up the phone. It’s been a long time, since we were on one on one. Now you have some children,

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