Leak 1/4/21

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Two posts this week:

Makes Me Well : Visual Poetry-1/5/20 5:00 PM MST 

Remember What Happened: Visual Poetry- 1/7/20 5:00 PM MST 

We are very close to entering the content generation “Aberration”. A whole bunch of new content coming your way. New formats for most categories and categories you haven’t even heard of. I have a lot of stuff planned. Also. My new Novelette “In the Midst of Gods and Monsters” IS coming out most likely at the end of the month. I am getting a few last things together and expect it to be between 5 and 10 American dollars. You would all be able to pay using your preferred currency. Along with that, we will see a few weeks with little content. I have mostly exhausted our current generations content and this novelette will start the new generation. So bear with me and we will see a lot of new content coming soon. 

Remember me


A Poets Councilor

     Today I was talking with a friend about therapy, upon watching a television show about serial killers she made the comment “So if

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