The Villanelle of the Upcoming Season

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A Vilanelle is a certain type of poem that repeats lines and rhymes with other. Look it up for the format and follow along! 
The wind outside my house is cold
I haven’t seen the light in days,
My body feels as if its old
I sit and keep the things I hold
I can’t wait to tell them I stayed
The wind outside my house is cold
What have I been told?
As if I lost the way.
My body feels as if its old
They call and complain,
I said I lost my way.
My body feels as if its old
I have a heavy load
I didn’t lose my way
My body feels as if its old
Its not that I’m lazy, or that I care
Ill still say I lost my way
The wind outside my house is cold
My body feels as if its old

Remember me

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