To Live The Land


I was named after a renegade,

and the fathers before me. 

On a cold October day,

in my family’s city. 

Surrounded by so much potential,

it’s been four years coming. 

I’ll grow old enough,

to keep the world running. 

My father is soft spoken,

but a lunatic visionary. 

Never raised his voice,

even when he was scared. 

He doesn’t want to grow old,

but he will with me. 

He taught me to be calm,

and enjoy my family. 


My mother is hardheaded,

even when the times get worse. 

Half a blessing, and half a curse. 

She has so many goals,

and even made goals for me. 

They were needed,

to keep us happy. 

She taught me to feel,

even when life is bad. 

She taught me to love,

my soft spoken dad. 


I don’t know,

what I would do,

without her. 

I don’t know,

what I would do,

without him. 

Together they made me,

who I am. 

Together as one,

to live the land.

Remember me

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