Walk The Line, Do Or Die


If I’m more inviting,

maybe your parents will meet me. 

If I take my time,

I’ll explain how I’m feeling. 

It’s a simple thing,

but it’s not,

well rehearsed. 

I will go my way,

or I’ll live this curse. 


Somebody tell me,

how to live. 

Somebody tell me,

how to act. 

It’s either “this or that.”

“Don’t have a heart attack.”

“You will cope with,

your problems,

or I’ll take you back.”


We’re getting better now,

but the line is receding. 

It will tear me apart,

if you don’t complete me. 

It’s a simple thing,

but it’s not,

well rehearsed. 

I need to walk this line,

or I’ll live in a hearse. 


Somebody tell me,

how to live. 

Somebody tell me,

how to act. 

It’s either “do or die,”

or “don’t make me lie.”

“You better straighten your act,

or I’ll say goodbye.”


Causing problems. 

Causing strain. 

I need to medicate,

one last time. 


If I live this way,

then can you,

complete me?

If I walk this line,

that seems to be,


It’s a simple thing,

it won’t be my first. 

I’ll live this life,

it can’t get much worse. 

Remember me

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