Words Left Unsaid


I have a few dollars to my name,

I think that I’m okay. 

Cheap champagne, 

this warm summer night.

I think it’s time to say goodnight. 


I’m feeling like a tidal wave. 

Wanting to kill those stuck in a cave. 


I left the town for now,

I’ll try to explain how,

I feel I’m looking stuck,

I’m caught in all this muck 


I want to go home now,

but my brother knows now. 

So I’ll stay in this hole in a wall,

that they call the Rivers Call. 


I’m feeling like a interstate,

going to fast, I missed the gate. 


I walked back into town,

I tried to stay away from her. 

I failed so bad,

now my family is mad. 


Try to be quiet please,

you’ll wake up my niece,

Innocence has took its stray. 

I think it would be best if I stayed. 


Try to explain me how,

or even better why?

I just want to be at home,

and I want some love. 


I feel like a albatross. 

Sailors point and stop. 

I feel like a classless wreck. 

So many words left unsaid.

Remember me

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