Leak 8/3/20

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Thank you all for joining the Month of Madness. I am taking this week off but that doesn’t mean there will be no content. On Tuesday we will get a new Transcript. As I said before, Transcripts will be coming every week until the new short story releases. Hope you all have a good week!

Saralynn Draper: Stage 2: Transcript-8/4/20 5:00 PM MST 

Remember me


The Crucible Part I

Edited by Stephanie Bachman    The day starts just like every other, you wake up but today was different. Looking at the clock it was

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The Red Cellar Door

The red cellar door looked the same as it always had. Tommy, a boy just at the age of six, had always feared that monsters

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A Poets Psychopathy

     I’ve been having a new set of dreams recently. They still contain this woman in black and blue that I see so often

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